4 Ways to Save This Valentine’s Day

4 Ways to Save This Valentine’s Day

The big 14th is coming up, and while we can all agree that love is in the air, something else is – bills! No matter how much you plan to spend to prove your love, there are plenty of ways to save money on Valentine’s Day.

Some of us will be faced with the dilemma of wanting to spend quality time with our loved ones while staying afloat financially. Here are some tips on how you can save money this valentine’s day:

1. Take advantage of sales deals

To get the best value for your money, don’t overlook promotional deals. Be on the lookout for stores offering discounts or having sales when doing your shopping. You’ll get to save a lot of money this way.

Many retailers thrive on consumers waiting until the last minute so they can charge an arm and a leg so don’t wait until the last minute.

2. Create DIY cards, flowers and gifts

Gifts are always a lovely gesture but you should Gift wisely. You don’t have to break the bank to give your loved ones something special. Creating handmade presents for your loved ones is a cost-effective way to celebrate your valentine’s.

While creating your gifts may seem like it removes romance from the occasion, you can alternatively talk with your significant other about setting a spending limit to buy gifts you can both be comfortable with.

3. Do fun activities together at home     

Outside is expensive and a few things beat a romantic, home-cooked meal. Cooking, baking or seeing a movie together is another great way to spend quality time together on Valentine’s without worrying about breaking the bank. 

The money you save by celebrating with your partner at home can be used for a fun night out later.

4. Ignore it altogether

This is an unlikely piece of advice, but the truth is, there are a million ways to show love to those you care about every single day. Love doesn’t mean you have to buy someone something.

Spend time with each other instead of buying gifts. You don’t have to wait for Valentine’s; commit to sharing and celebrating your love every day, in every way you can.

Final thoughts

While we agree that love should be celebrated, you don’t have to break the bank to prove your love on this high-pressure holiday. These tips should help you plan a sweet and cost-effective valentine’s day with your loved ones.

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