3 Things This Week

3 Things This Week

Welcome to this week’s edition of BRAVEWOOD 3TTW series.

Reverse the Chase

Do you want more money? Then solve more problems. Equip yourself with the capacity to offer solutions.

Most people spend their lives ‘chasing the bag’, forgetting that ‘the bag’ chases people of value.

So, reverse the chase. Arm yourself with high-demand skills and knowledge, and watch the income (and other people of value) come to you.

Problem to Profit

Most times, the only thing standing between you and your money is the solution to a problem.

This week’s article by Investopedia shares the stories of 10 entrepreneurs under 25 who stumbled into their startups when they came up with solutions to their local problems.

These people have shown us that age and educational qualifications are no barriers to impact. Here’s what they’re doing.

Young entrepreneur success story

Million-Dollar Problems

From food insecurity, to unemployment, to the quality of education, Africa is almost synonymous with problems.

But what if we told you that these same problems are also promising channels to build massive wealth in a few years’ time?

When you watch this video from After School TV, the choice will be up to you: either to keep complaining or change your perspective.

Million-Dollar Problems Video

One more thing…

Only one thing stands between you and your financial freedom – the decision to prepare for your desired future by choosing the right wealth-building partner.

Why not try BRAVEWOOD? We currently offer some of the best rates on the Nigerian market. 

Download our app from the Apple Store, or Google Playstore, or sign up on www.bravewood.ng today to safely start building wealth with our amazing interest rates.

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