How Our Daily Compound Interest Works

How Our Daily Compound Interest Works


  • Gbolahan Alabi
    Posted 19th May 2020 5:50 pm

    Dear Overwood Team,

    I have gone through the website thoroughly and I my say that this is something I have search for in a while and I never knew it was around the corner.

    Though I am a little be skeptical as to whether Overwood is registered/ regulated by any financial security like security and exchange commission or Corporate affairs commission, insurance home… if yes, with what name and how can I verify this?

    And also, details of your board of directors/ Key management staff are not on your website?

    Do I have a tenure of how long I have to leave my funds before withdrawing?

    I look forward to your response.


    • overwood
      Posted 26th May 2020 9:36 am

      Hello Gbolahan,
      Thanks a lot for your interest in Overwood!

      We are a safety-first investment firm, we invest in dividend paying money market instruments to minimize the risk. Our investments are insured by the investment houses we place our funds in. In addition, we offer equity match; what this means is that we match every member’s investment with equity from our business owners to ensure that we can always return your principal amount invested.

      We are currently updating our website to include the relevant details needed to make the decision stage easier.

      Our minimum investment tenor is 90 days. At the maturity of your investment, you have two options: you can either choose to withdraw your investment or leave your investment.
      If you do not withdraw your investment, your principal and interest will automatically roll over daily until you initiate the withdrawal process.

      For more enquiries, please send a mail to or contact our relationship manager on

      Thank you.

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