I have been waiting for Overwood since last year, I joined in January and I can go to bed with my eyes closed because I know my money is safe with Overwood. I like the fact that I get calls to confirm if I was the one who initiated a withdrawal. Investing with Overwood is not a mistake! 

What are your thoughts about our services so far?

I like the person behind the brand and I like the services I get; it’s prompt. Whenever I initiate a withdrawal, I get it within 24 hours and sometimes, even less than. It’s prompt and fast.

What feature do you like best?

I like the fact that I get calls to confirm if I was the one who initiated a withdrawal.

What one thing has Overwood helped you achieve thus far?

Overwood has replaced something for me. Before Overwood came, I used mutual funds and it was easy to see that the rate was way better than mutual funds, and even treasury bills.

What do you love the most about Overwood?

I like your service, you guys are doing well.

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